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Guapinol: 100+ orgs call for access to justice & measures of non-repitition

Honduras: One Month After the Murder of 2 Defenders of the Guapinol and San Pedro Rivers, Human Rights Organizations Call for Compliance with International Obligations to Guarantee Access to Justice and Measures of Non-Repetition

One month after the terrible murders on January 7 of Ali Dominguez and Jairo Bonilla, water and environmental defenders of the Guapinol community, the Observatory for Justice of the Guapinol River Defenders and the undersigned national and international organizations call on representatives of the Government of Honduras to assume their international human rights obligations.

The defense of the Botaderos Mountain "Carlos Escaleras" National Park and the Guapinol and San Pedro rivers has raised an international alert about the reaches of the extractivist model that still operates in Honduras, maintaining the permanent risk to entire communities and aggravating the human rights situation of those who live in these territories. Despite the extensive and exhaustive documentation of the situation of risk of the Municipal Committee of Common and Public Goods of Tocoa (CMDBCPT) and their multiple public alerts, the Honduran State has not responded in an effective way to the critical situation of danger of the defenders of the CMDBCPT, Guapinol, San Pedro sector and their families, omitting its international responsibility to grant protection to defenders, the due, prompt and impartial investigation of the facts, as well as the guarantee of non-repetition.

Likewise, we express the urgent need to guarantee the reliable, exhaustive and impartial investigation that clarifies the double murder of the Guapinol defenders, identifying the causes and the relationship with their work in defense of the rivers and the environment, as well as the acts of violence previously denounced and that remain unpunished due to the lack of substantive advances in the investigation stages. We support the request presented on January 17 for the investigation to be transferred from the Public Prosecutor's Office of Tocoa to the Special Prosecutor's Office for Crimes Against Life, with the assistance of the Technical Agency for Criminal Investigation, since the same local prosecutor's office played a key role in the criminalization of defenders, including Ali Dominguez, the arbitrary detention of others for more than two years, and the violent eviction of the "Water and Life" camp.

In addition, the State must move forward in halting and repairing the environmental damage caused by the mining megaproject operating in the Botaderos Mountain, canceling projects that, being illegal, operate the State’s complicity and other companies that shields them from any responsibility. It is necessary that the origin of the various socio-environmental conflicts in Honduran territory be addressed from a human rights perspective and that the demands of those who inhabit the territories be met.

The Observatory for Justice for the Guapinol River Defenders and the national and international organizations subscribing to this communication regret that, despite a hopeful change of government for Honduras and the region, the patterns of violence against communities and Indigenous and peasant peoples continue, favoring private interests and the accumulation of wealth.

We recognize and support the work of human rights defenders in Honduras and stand in solidarity with the victims of reprisals and their families.

The undersigned subscribe to this communication:

Acción Ecuménica por los Derechos Humanos AEDH - Honduras

Alianza Américas - United States

Alianza Centroamericana Frente a la Minería - ACAFREMIN - Centroamérica

Alternativa de Reivindicación Comunitaria y Ambientalista de Honduras ARCAH - Honduras

Amazing Amy Harlib: Eccentric Yoga Entertainer, Yoga For Peace, Justice, Harmony With the Planet - United States

Asociación Americana de Juristas (AAJ) - Regional

Asociación de Jueces por la Democracia (AJD) - Honduras

Asociación Entrepueblos - España

Asociación para una Ciudadanía Participativa (ACI PARTICIPA) - Honduras

ASOPODEHU - Honduras

Atlantic Regional Solidarity Network (ARSN) - Canada

Bagaicha Social Research and Training Centre - India

Basoa Casa de Defensoras - Euskal Herria

Bufete Justicia para los Pueblos - Honduras

Canadian Jesuits International - Canada

Cefa. Centro de Estudios y Capacitación Familiar - Panama

Centro de Derechos de Mujeres (CDM) – Honduras

Centro de Derecho Ambiental Internacional CIEL - Honduras

Centro de Desarrollo Humano. CDH - Honduras

Centro de Estudio para la Democracia (CESPAD) - Honduras

Centro de Investigación y Promoción de los Derechos Humanos CIPRODEH - Honduras

Centro de Reflexión y Acción Social Padre Juan Montalvo – Dominican Republic

Centro Por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional (CEJIL) - Costa Rica

CIVICUS - Internacional

CLADEM - El Salvador

CLADEM Bolivia - Bolivia


CLADEM Oaxaca - Mexico

Cladem Paraguay - Paraguay

Cladem Uruguay - Uruguay

Clínica de Derechos Humanos, Universidad de Ottawa - Canada

Colectivo de Abogados "José Alvear Restrepo" - Colombia

Comité Ambiental de Guapinol - Honduras

Comité del Medio Ambiente y DDHH del NLG - United States

Comité Mesoamericano del NLG - United States

Comité Municipal de Defensa de Bienes Comunes y Públicos de Tocoa - Honduras

Comité para los Derechos Humanos en América Latina - Canada

Comité por la Libre Expresión (C-Libre) - Honduras

Common Frontiers - Canada

Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares e Indígenas de Honduras (COPINH) - -Honduras

Consejo Indígena Lenca de Reitoca - Honduras

Convergencia Contra el Continuismo - Honduras

Coordinadora de Organizaciones Populares del Aguan (COPA) - Honduras

Due Process of Law Foundation - Regional

Earthworks - United States

Entreculturas - España

Entrepueblos - España

Equipo de Reflexión, Investigación y Comunicación (ERIC-SJ) - Honduras

Equipo Jurídico por los Derechos Humanos - Honduras

"Estudios para la Dignidad", Bufete de Derechos Humanos - Honduras

FDCL (Centro de Investigación y Documentación Chile-América Latina) - Alemania

Festivales Solidarios - Guatemala

FIDH, en el marco del Observatorio para la Protección de los Defensores de Derechos Humanos - Francia

Foro Honduras Suiza – Suiza

Front Line Defenders - Irlanda

Fundación Alboan - España

GHRC-USA - United States/Guatemala

Gremio Nacional de Abogadas y Abogados (NLG) - Filial de la Bahia de San Francisco, CA - United States

Guatemala Solidarity Project - United States

Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) - Canada y United States

Human Rights Clinic at the University of Virginia School of Law, United States

Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Humanos -Mesoamerica

Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti - United States

Institute for Policy Studies - Global Economy Program - United States

Instituto Latinoamericano para un Sociedad y un Derecho Alternativos -ILSA - Colombia

JASS - Mesoamerica

Justice in Mining Network - Internacional

Latin America Working Group (LAWG) - United States

MAWO - Canada

Mesa Nacional de Incidencia para la Gestión del Riesgo Región Centro - Honduras

Movimiento Ambientalista Santabarbarense (MAS) - Honduras

Movimiento Amplio por la Dignidad y la Justicia - Honduras

Mujeres Socialistas - Honduras

National Lawyers Guild International Committee - United States

NLG Task Force on the Americas – United States

Oficina Ecuménica por la Paz y la Justicia - Alemania

Oficina Jurídica para la Mujer - Bolivia

OFRANEH - Honduras

Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura (OMCT), en el marco del Observatorio para la Protección de los Defensores de Derechos Humanos - Suiza

Plataforma Agraria - Honduras

Plataforma Internacional Contra la Impunidad - Honduras/Guatemala/Suiza

Plataforma por Honduras en Madrid - España

Protection International Mesoamerica - Organización Regional

Red de comunidades impactadas por IFIs - América Latina

Red de Mujeres del Consejo Indígena Lenca de Reitoca - Honduras

Red Internacional de Promotores ODS - Honduras

Red Nacional de Defensoras de Derechos Humanos en Honduras - Honduras

REMUPRO – Honduras

Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights

Rights Action - Canada/United States

Romero Initiative e.V. - Alemania

Salvemos El Río Danto - Honduras

Santa Clara University - International Human Rights Clinic - United States

Serso Honduras - Honduras

SHARE - United States

Sisters of Mercy Justice Team, Washington, DC - United States

Sustentarse - Chile

Tribunal Internacional de Conciencia de los Pueblos en Movimiento (TICPM) - Mexico/Colombia/Perú/Ecuador/United States

Trócaire - Honduras

Unidad de Protección a Defensoras y Defensores de Derechos Humanos -Guatemala (UDEFEGUA) - Guatemala

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC) - United States

University of San Francisco Master in Migration Studies Program - United States

Voces y Manos - Guatemala

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